Our specialty is, design education in the stream of fashion. Many related areas are focused on, having the key subject as, fashion design. This Campus/Institute offers many undergraduate courses related to fashion, that leads to creating fashion entrepreneurs, Internationally.
Receiving world class education from the right place, at the right time, makes students achieve their goals in life, successfully. We believe in developing originality in every individual, who joins us. When they graduate and serve the Industry, they become our footprint, in creative education. We believe in quality than quantity, as we nurture artists to take the lead in fashion design and management, in the future.
Our links to the fashion capitals of the world, have opened many opportunities for our students, to build international connections and look through to the global fashion industry, as their prospective careers and businesses.
Fashion is an art, a lifestyle and a self-portraying medium. This global language of fashion, is a part of every individual’s life. We take responsibility in taking the lead, of directing and supporting this global language through creative minds.